
FRIEND OR FOE? Technology in utopian and dystopian fiction 1. ANCIENT GREECE 2. ANCIENT GREECE Plato wrote the first utopian book: Republic. It’s a book about JUSTICE 1. ANCIENT GREECE Plato wrote the first utopian book: Republic. Science is the key to justice. The city must be governed by wise people 1. ANCIENT GREECE Plato wrote the first utopian book: Republic. In Ancient Greece science means KNOWLEDGE but not TECHNOLOGY 1. ANCIENT GREECE Science is not supposed to make machines, tools or any kind of devices Plato wrote the first utopian book: Republic. 2. RENAISSANCE 2. RENAISSANCE Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Science has to produce TECHNOLOGY 2. RENAISSANCE Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Merchants and bankers used machines and tools to increase production 2. RENAISSANCE Utopian novel Thomas More wrote UTOPIA, a book where he critizised medieval society 2. RENAISSANCE UTOPIA means ‘nowhere’ in Greek: a society still to be created 2. RENAISSANCE Francis Bacon was a politician and a vscientist in the court of Elizabeth I of England 2. RENAISSANCE Utopian novel He wrote THE NEW ATLANTIS, where he describes a perfect society. 2. RENAISSANCE Utopian novel It was an island ruled by scientists who were wise and tolerant. 2. RENAISSANCE Utopian novel Bacon describes thousands of technological resources that mada people’s lives easier. 3. ENLIGHTMENT 3. ENLIGHTMENT Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE The utopian novel was only a critique of the feudal society of the Middle Ages. 3. ENLIGHTMENT Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE But in Enlightment authors began to positively propose a new polítical system. 3. ENLIGHTMENT Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE In the Middle Ages it was thought that power was given by God to the kings and they handed it down to the people. 3. ENLIGHTMENT Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Thomas Hobbes said that God gave power and rights to the people and these gave them to governors. 3. ENLIGHTMENT Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE John Locke was an inspirer of Enlightment. 3. ENLIGHTMENT Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE He formally proposed a liberal system were the government was elected by the people. 3. ENLIGHTMENT Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Powers should be separated to avoid absolutism. 4. 19TH CENTURY 4. 19TH CENTURY Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Karl Marx discovered again how important science and technology were. 4. 19TH CENTURY Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Science is supposed to be friendly to people, but it is the property of the rich so it often turns against them 4. 19TH CENTURY Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Authors became aware of this and, at the beginning of the 20th century, they created the dystopian genre. 4. 19TH CENTURY Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE The man authors and titles are 4. 19TH CENTURY Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Dystopia has become an important theme for films and TV series 4. 19TH CENTURY Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE These are some of the best known: 4. 20TH CENTURY 2. RENAISSANCE Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Science has to produce TECHNOLOGY 2. RENAISSANCE Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Science has to produce TECHNOLOGY 2. RENAISSANCE Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Science has to produce TECHNOLOGY 2. RENAISSANCE Galileo changed the meaning of SCIENCE Science has to produce TECHNOLOGY


AMIGO OU INIMIGO? A tecnoloxía na ficción utópica e distópica 1. ANTIGA GRECIA 2. ANTIGA GRECIA Platón escribiu o primeiro libro utópico: República. É un libro sobre XUSTIZA 1. ANTIGA GRECIA Platón escribiu o primeiro libro utópico: República. A ciencia é a clave da xustiza. A cidade debe estar gobernada por xente sabia 1. ANTIGA GRECIA Platón escribiu o primeiro libro utópico: República. Na antiga Grecia ciencia significa COÑECEMENTO pero non TECNOLOXÍA 1. ANTIGA GRECIA A ciencia non se supón facer máquinas, ferramentas ou calquera tipo de dispositivo Platón escribiu o primeiro libro utópico: República. 2. RENACEMENTO 2. RENACEMENTO Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA A ciencia ten que producir TECNOLOXÍA 2. RENACEMENTO Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Comerciantes e banqueiros máquinas e ferramentas usadas para aumentar a produción 2. RENACEMENTO Novela utópica Thomas More escribiu UTOPIA, un libro onde criticaba sociedade medieval 2. RENACEMENTO UTOPÍA significa "ningunha parte" en grego: unha sociedade aínda por crear 2. RENACEMENTO Francis Bacon foi un político e un vscientist na corte de Isabel I de Inglaterra 2. RENACEMENTO Novela utópica Escribiu A NOVA ATLANTE, onde describe unha sociedade perfecta. 2. RENACEMENTO Novela utópica Era unha illa gobernada por científicos que eran sabios e tolerantes. 2.RENACEMENTO Novela utópica Bacon describe miles de recursos tecnolóxicos que a vida da xente máis doada. 3. ILUMINACIÓN 3. ILUMINACIÓN Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA A novela utópica era só unha crítica á sociedade feudal da Idade Media. 3. ILUMINACIÓN Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Pero na Ilustración os autores comezaron a facelo propoñer positivamente un novo sistema político. 3. ILUMINACIÓN Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Na Idade Media pensábase ese poder foi dado por Deus aos reis e eles entregaron ata a xente. 3. ILUMINACIÓN Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Thomas Hobbes dixo iso Deus deu poder e dereitos á xente e estes déronllas a gobernadores. 3. ILUMINACIÓN Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA John Locke era un inspirador da Ilustración. 3. ILUMINACIÓN Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA El propuxo formalmente un sistema liberal foron o goberno foi elixido polo pobo. 3. ILUMINACIÓN Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Os poderes deben estar separados para evitar o absolutismo. 4. SÉCULO XIX 4. SÉCULO XIX Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Karl Marx descubriu de novo que importante ciencia e tecnoloxía foron. 4. SÉCULO XIX Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Suponse que a ciencia é amigable coa xente, pero é propiedade dos ricos polo que moitas veces se volve contra eles 4.SÉCULO XIX Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Os autores decatáronse diso e, a principios do século XX, crearon o xénero distópico. 4. SÉCULO XIX Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA O home autores e títulos son 4. SÉCULO XIX Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA A distopía converteuse un tema importante para películas e series de televisión 4. SÉCULO XIX Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA Estes son algúns dos máis coñecidos: 4. SÉCULO XX 2. RENACEMENTO Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA A ciencia ten que producir TECNOLOXÍA 2. RENACEMENTO Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA A ciencia ten que producir TECNOLOXÍA 2. RENACEMENTO Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA A ciencia ten que producir TECNOLOXÍA 2. RENACEMENTO Galileo cambiou o significado de CIENCIA A ciencia ten que producir TECNOLOXÍA | Sistema gratuito de traductor inglés-gallego

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